Farm Consulting
Farm Consulting Services
Ready to have your own food animals and don’t know how to start? Suzie Dudas (Farmer Suzie) is a self-taught resident Jupiter farmer.
Because I have made most of the mistakes you don’t have to. Starting in 2008 with dairy and beef cows, pigs, chickens on my own homestead 10 acres in Jupiter Farms.
Soon after adding, turkeys, ducks and sheep for food. I have the knowledge and experience in our local area to help you set up your own egg laying operation, grow or just process your own meat birds, set up your grass based dairy or beef, lamb or pork operation.
I can teach you how to set up a dairy cow, sheep or goat milking station. How to get your animal ready before they give birth and information on who to call when things don’t go smoothly, connections for supplies, feed and animals.
-Chicken & Poultry- Back yard chickens for egg or meat. A great starting package.
-Pigs- Starting a 4H project or looking to raise your own pork.
-Goats or Sheep- interested in goat milk, meat or lamb.
-Set up the animal side of your food security. I can work with your permaculture garden plan or conventional garden planner or bring them in for a collaboration.
Have questions about our consulting services?
Call or text Suzie for a free exploratory consultation, or use the form to contact her by e-mail.